User Manual_Virbox Protector Command Line
User Manual:
Virbox Protector Command Line Tool
Virbox Protector supports developer to protect applications in both GUI tool and CLI tool.
Here we introduce how to use "Command Line Interface of Virbox Protector to protect applications.
Sign-up Virbox Protector, get the trial license and install the Virbox Protector in your machine;
Go to the \bin sub directory of installation directory of Virbox Protector, besides of the GUI tool of Virbox Protector, you will find 2 command line interface tools in the same of installation directory:
Virbox Protector CLI tool:
DS Protector CLI tool (DS Protector is the tool for software developer to protect their data resource, more details information, pls refer the relevant document):
(Above prerequisites is for test/evaluation Virbox Protector only.
To protect formal release software, pls purchase and get the related Virbox Protector license)
1. Start to use Virbox Protector CLI tool
The on default path forVirbox Protector
CLI tools: virboxprotector_con.exe
When you call Virbox Protector Command line tool and execute the Virbox protector,
You may:
Either to specify the full absolutely path, for example:
in windows system , you may add the environmental variable and directly input:
and no need to specify the full path to execute the Virbox Protector.
For non windows system: you may set the Symbolic Link, like this sample below:
Then you can directly input: virboxprotector_con
to protect your applications.
2. The main protection function/feature of Virbox Protector CLI tool:
To protect desktop or mobile application, you can call Virbox Protector CLI tool and specify the application path and out path to protect your applications. Virbox Protector will automatically to recognize the application types;
Like with Virbox Protector tool, Developer may use "option" to set and specify the "Protection option" to the application protected, includes “Function Option”, "Protection Option", "Data & Resource Protection" etc.
On default, if developer doesn't specify output folder, after protection succeed, a new \protected
folder will be generated, the protected application with same file name located in the new directory.
To get help information, use following command:
virboxprotector_con --help=?
to view help information to each type of application in details:
For dsprotector_con
dsprotector_con <filename|directory> <-c ssp>
To get help information, execute
dsprotector -?
Specify application type to view help information in detail:
For example, get help information to protect Android AAB package:
virboxprotector_con --help=aab
For some special application type, it is required to specify the argument accordingly.
Protect the Java apps with BCE protection mode
Protect the Java apps with VME protection mode
N/A, on default to use VME
Protection Unity3D app and resource encryption (Windows/Linux hot update)
Protection the HTML 5 (.js file)
To remove the debugging information from ELF file (strip)
Protect and archive with multiple package
Protect and merge assemblies
The Syntax of Virbox Protector CLI with long options
For most of command line options, the syntax is:
1 means enable/switch on
0 means disable/switch off
, --jit-enc=0
How to get the CLI's Help
For more detail instruction/help to use VBP CLI's options/arguments,
use: --help={type}
to view the CLI helps:
The application supports to get "help" includes:
application means the native types of application to the operation system, and it doesn't need the Virtual machine environment or interpreter when executed. usually, these native application compiled by C/C++/Delphi/VB6 program language, which includes:
The PE program in the Windows system(with the suffix of .exe/.dll/.sys );
The Elf programs in the Linux/Android system (with the suffix of .so or main program);
The MachO application (.dylib or main program) in the macOS/iOS system.
3. The way using Virbox Protector CLI to protect applications
Unlike with by using the Virbox Protector GUI tool, developer to set protection option by "select and click", when Developer use the CLI tool to set the protection setting, there are 2 ways for Software developer to set the protection option by use of Virbox Protector CLI tool to protect their project.
Option 1: With protection configuration file
Configuration file (suffix .ssp) is the file which generated by Virbox Protector GUI tool which save the protection option setting. Developer use Virbox Protector GUI tool to generate the protection configuration file (the configuration file suffix is .ssp file, which store the protection setting to functions protection setting, general protection setting etc..) and then save the configuration file together with the project which to be protected in the same folder, then use Virbox Protector CLI (no need to specify argument, option, since all of protection setting has been saved in the configuration file) to protect the project accordingly.
Option 2: Without Protection Configuration file
Use CLI tool to protect the software project directly, with specified the argument, option which to define the functions protection option and general protection options.
Developer may use VBP CLI tool to protect different kind of application with multiple arguments and options.
if no specified argument/option has been used in Virbox CLI tool, the protection setting will be used on default.
Option 1 example
Here we use a native executive file to be a example to show how to use Virbox Protector GUI tool to generate a protection configuration file (.ssp file) and then use the CLI tool and the configuration file to protect the original native executive file.
Step1, Generate the "Protection Configuration File"
Open the Virbox Protector GUI tool, drag the native file into Virbox Protector GUI tools, set the protection option in the Function Option
tab and Protection Option
Click the button (menu): Save Selected Configuration
which save the configuration file generated (suffix name is .ssp in the output folder
Go to output folder
Go to the output folder, find the .ssp file and save the configuration file in the same folder together with native file which to be protected.
Step 2
Use Virbox Protector CLI tool to protect the native project file
Virbox Protector standard command to protect applications:
C:\the absolutely path of virbox protector\virboxprotector_con the absolutely path of protected file\protected filename -o absolutedly path of output file\output file name
if no configuration file generated or not be found the configuration file in same folder
Virbox Protector CLI tool will use protection option setting on default to protect the project:
The on default protection option setting for:
Native Project:
Compression and Memory Check
.NET Project:
Compression and JIT Encryption;
if you want to specify to protect the concrete function with Code encryption or Code Obfuscation, you need to generate the protection configuration file first. and follow the protect step above.
ELF Project:
Compression and Memory Check;
MachO Project:
Memory Check
Android APK:
On default protection setting:
On default anti debug
4. The Protected Application Type & Protection Options setting
From the section below, we will introduce how to use Virbox CLI tools (or Combine with GUI tools) to protect different kind of project, or different language.
CLI command to protect application:
virboxprotector_con <apk_path> filename <options ...> [-o <output_path>]
Protect Android APK/AAB
Virbox Protector CLI command to use to protect Android AAB or Apk.
virboxprotector_con <apk_path> <options ...> [-o <output_path>]
View help info
Dex Encryption
, AAB:0
File Verification
Signature Verification
Detect the debug tool
Detect the simulator
Root Detection
Multi parallel Detection
Output apks (Valid when enable the AAB signature)
1 means enable/switch on
0 means disable/switch off
Resource Encryption
Virbox Protector (include GUI tool and CLI tool) support developer to protect the data, image resource attached together with the Android application.
Use the argument: --res-enc=1
to enable the Resource encryption options,
Use the ;
to separate the resource file list, support the wild card *
Resource list
-res <resource_list>
On default to protect all resource file
Function Protection Option
Besides of General protection option setting to applications, Virbox Protector supports developer to protect the specified function/methods, for APK and AAB's Functions Protection, Virbox Protector provides the feature: "Code of Virtualization" to protect the functions/method. which is most secured Protection options to specified functions to Android APK/AAB applications.
On default setting to "Code of Virtuallization" is to protect the methods of entry class of Application and Main Activity's class.
If you want to protect the specific functions/methods, pls refer:
Archive application to multiple packages
To archive the application to multiple package template, pls refer:
Virbox Protector support developer to use signature, for Signature Options setting, pls refer:
Protect AAR package
Virbox Protector support to protect Android AAR pacakge with Code of Virtualization, and to protect the .so libs of AAR package:
Virbox Protector CLI toolCommand used:
virboxprotector_con <aar_path> <options ...> [-o <output_dir>]
Sample (Sample shows to protect the all of the class method of “test.aar” package and protect all of .so libs, "v" means "virtualization")
Protect the Android .SO lib **
Virbox Protector CLI command to protect Android .so libs
virboxprotector_con < lib_path> <options ...> [-o <output_path>]
Hide the symbol table
Resource list
-lib <nativelib_list>
Protect the PE and native application
virboxprotector_con <native_path> <options ...> [-o <output_dir>]
Memory Check
Import table protection
Resource section protection
Protect/encrypt PE overlay
Detect the debug tool
VM detection
here value setting:
1 means enable/switch on
0 means disable/switch off
Protect the ELF
Memory Check
Detect the debug tool
Strip the symbol table of ELF file
here value setting:
1 means enable/switch on
0 means disable/switch off
Protect the MachO
Memory Check
Detect debug tool
For how to sign and use signature, pls refer:
Here value setting:
1 means enable/switch on
0 means disable/switch off
Protect iOS App
Virbox Protector CLI command to protect iOS App
virboxprotector_con <input_path> <options ...> [-o <output_path>]
Memory Check
Detect Debug tool
Objective-C: Name of Obfuscation to Objective C
Output path
IPA path (enable signature required)
Here value setting:
1 means enable/switch on
0 means disable/switch off
Signature Option
Pls refer the signature of iOS/macOS in the "Signature Option".
Protect .NET project
Virbox Protector CLI command to protect dotNET project
virboxprotector_con <input_path> <options ...> [-o <output_path>]
JIT Encryption
String Encryption
Overlay encryption
Detect the debug tool
Name of Obfuscation
Keep the rules of Name of obfuscation
here value setting:
1 means enable/switch on
0 means disable/switch off
If No overlay data attachment, then ignore the argument:
Name of Obfuscation Options:
Off, disable the feature of Name of obfuscation;
Set the name of Obfuscation to private member
Reserve/keep the name of self-defined and not obfuscated.
Keep the Rule of Name of Obfuscation
Use the semicolon: ;
to separate the functions/methods, support to use wild card *
Function Protection Option Setting
Virbox Protector support developer to set the protection option to "fucntions/methods level (with fine grained level protection), To those critical methods/functions, Developer may select and set the protection mode to specified functions, with "Encryption", "Obfuscation", and "Virtualization".
Pls refer the "Function Protection Option", on default to encrypt the code of entry functions.
SDK label
For some special methods and code, Developer may use the "SDK label to label in project code process. when Developer use the Virbox protector to protect the .net project. Virbox Protector will capapible and recognized these code label and protected.
For .NET project, Virbox Protector support developer to label the critical functions/methods with 2 protection options: Code Encryption and Code Obfuscation.
set the label to the functions code (start and ending), then project compiled and developer use Virbox protector to protect the project. GUI tools will show these functions with protection mode accordingly.
See SDK label section for detail.
SDK sample for .NET project:
namespace Virbox{
//Code obfuscation
class Mutate : System.Attribute
//Code encryption
class Encrypt: System.Attribute
public class main
[Virbox.Mutate]//code obfuscation
public static void test1(string[] args)
System.Console.WriteLine("hello Virbox.Mutate!");
[Virbox.Encrypt]//Code Encryption
public static void test2(string[] args)
System.Console.WriteLine("hello Virbox.Encrypt!");
public static void Main(string[] args)
Protect Unity3D project
Virbox Protector CLI tool command to protect Unity3D project
virboxprotector_con <input_path> <options ...> [-o <output_path>]
Memory Check (Valid for il2cpp)
File Check (Valid for Android)
Signature check (Valid for Android)
Anti Injection(Valid for Android)
Protect Unity Engine (Valid for Android il2cpp project only)
MetaData, name of Obfuscation(Valid for il2cpp)
Detect debug tool
Detect simulator (Valid for Android Only)
Root Detection (Valid for Android only)
Parallel detection
Encrypt the assembly
Use -asm
to specify assembly list and use semicolon: ;
to separate each assembly, support wild card *
,On default to encrypt the .dll which prefix by Assembly-CSharp
and Assembly-UnityStrcip
and not necessary to specify these assembly accordingly.
Resource Encryption
Use the option: --res-enc=1
to enable "Resource encryption" to protect resources, ,use the semicolon ;
to be separator between the resource list , wild card *
Protection Priority by resources size (valid for android and iOS only)
Set the Password to Resource encryption (Valid for Windows/Linux only)
Resource list
-res <resource_list>
On default to protect all resource.
Protect Java Project
Virbox Protector support developer to protect Java Project with different kind of protection mode:
Java BCE mode
Java VME mode
For the difference between these 2 protection mode, pls refer the related section in the Virbox Protector User Manual.
Note: 2 different license required to use these 2 protection mode.
Protect Java project with Java-BCE Protection mode
Virbxo Protector CLI command to protect Java project (with BCE protection mode)
Set the password
Random password
Encrypt the JAR embedded
Specify the Output path
-o <path>
After protection successed, you will find 3 new file has been generated in the specified output folder:
the new protected jar file
ReadMe.txt (which describe how to deploy when execute the protected jar file;
How to deploy when execute the protected JAR file (ReadMe.text)
There are 2 ways to deployed Jar file when executed
Option 1:
Use command line to specify and add sjt_agent
to JAR, see sample:
java -javaagent:"D:\test\sjt\sjt_agent.jar" -jar test.jar
Option 2:
For "Tomcat" framework or other special framework which profile can be used to setup option, for example,
, developer may edit the profile and add -javaagent
option, for how to edit the profile, pls refer relevant document.
pls refer related sections in Protect Java Project with GUI tool.
Protect Java project with Java-VME mode
Java-VME support to protect the Java method with "code of Virtualization" only, which is most of secure way to protect the Java method.
There are 3 ways to protect Java project with VME protection mode:
Use Virbox Protector GUI to generate the configuration file, and then use Virbox Protector CLI to protect java project;
Use Virbox Protector CLI tools to protect Java project directly (go through this way in below section;
SDK lable to those critical method, Virbox Protector support developer to set a SDK label to those critical method, then use CLI tool to protect Java Project.
Virbox Protector CLI command to protect Java Project with VME protection mode
virboxprotector_con <jar_path> <options ...> [-o <output_dir>]
Sample 1 ( Protect all of methods of "test1" and "test2" with "Virtualization" ):
Sample 2(Protect all of methods in the JAR archive):
SDK label
For some critical functions/methods, Virbox Protector also support developer to set SDK label to those functions/methods in project coding process. for more detail how to use/set SDK label to these functions/method in coding process, pls refer next chapter.
pls refer SDK label section
Protect HTML 5 Project
Protect Python Project (Scripting language project)
To protect Python project, or other similar Scripting language project, the protection process consists 2 parts:
Protect “python.exe", in this part, Developer may use Virbox protector GUI tool to generate configuration file or use CLI tools to protect the "Python.exe" directly.
Protect "py" or "pyc" file, in this section developer use dsprotector_con to protect py or pyc file.
Here we introduce how to protect the Python project steps by steps
Step 1: Protect "python.exe"
Option 1: Use Virbox Protector CLI to protect python.exe, The protection process pls refer related native protection section above.
Option 2: Use Virbox Protector GUI tool to generate the configuration file which save the "Protection option" setting.
Pls following below 2 steps to generate the configuration file to python.exe. kindly remind, to switch on "DS" button and input the password.
save the the configuration file (.ssp file) with the same folder of "py" or "pyc" file.
the configuration file to python.exe is: python.exe.ssp
Step 2: Use DS Protector CLI to protect py or pyc file/pyc file folder.
dsprotector_con <filename|directory> -c ssp -o <filename|directory>
dsprotector_con.exe C:\Users\test\Desktop\cmd\python\ -c C:\Users\test\Desktop\cmd\python\python.exe.ssp -o C:\Users\test\Desktop\cmd\python\protected\
Option Description to DSProtector CLI
to protect the specific file
to protect the whole directory
-c ssp
use the configuration file which generated by Virbox Protector GUI tool
-o output
output directory for the protected file
Protect pyc file directory, DSProtector supports to protect multiple py/pyc files in same directory. so, specify the directory, all of py/pyc file in the directory will be protected.
Protect PHP Project
Protect PHP, Lua, or other scripting language project. the protection process is similar to the protection process to Python.
in General, there are 2 steps to protect PHP project:
Step 1 Use Virbox Protector CLI tool to protect PHP executive file
Step 2 Use DSProtector CLI tool tool to protect PHP file.
For the detail info, Pls refer the Python Protection process section above.
5. Signature Option
APK/AAB Signature
Enable the sign
Set Key Store Path
Valid for Global Configuration
Set Key Store Password
Valid for Global Configuration
Set the Key alias
Valid for Global Configuration
Set the Password of Key
Valid for Global Configuration
iOS/macOS Signature
enable signature
6. Function Protection Option
Virbox Protector supports developer to protect the functions/method level (fine grained protection) and specify the "rule" to protect the critical functions/methods with different kind of protection options: Code of Encryption, Code of obfuscation (Mutation) and Code of Virtualization.
, use the semicolon: ;
to separate functions, support to use wild card: *
Ignore/skip the function/method not support to protect
Code of Encryption
support to use: *
Code of Obfuscation (Code of mutation)
Support to use: *
Code of Virtualization
Support to use: *
-m "function1;function2" -v "function3;function4" -e "test*" --ignore-unsupported=1
This option used to skip/ignore those functions which developer select the protection option doesn't support to protect; This option is enable on default when developer protect the following type of applications: Jar/aar/war/apk/aab
SDK label to some critical functions/methods
Virbox Protector also support to set SDK label in project coding process. for more detail how to use SDK label to label to functions/methods in coding process, pls refer next chapter.
7. Other Options
Archive with multiple package
Protect and use multiple package template to archive package
Archive with multiple package only (no protect)
To specify the signature (optional)
For all above CLI command options, developer may specify to enable signature, pls refer the related "Signature Options" respectively.
Merge the assemblies
Use: -ilmerge
option to merge the assemblies:
Remove "Symbol table"
Use -strip
option to remove the debugging information (Static symbol table & static string table) from ELF application
8. Error code for Virbox Protector CLI tool
Memory in sufficient
Configuration file error
Project has been encrypted
Failed to read file, file or file folder not found
Failed to write file, file has been occupied or no access right to write file
not found .ssp file (configuration file not found)
Configuration file error
missing the configuration file to ds plugin in the .ssp file (configuration file) or ds node in the .ssp file has been deleted.
ds plug in the .ssp file not activate (which means ds button not been switch on
password node for the ds plug in in the .ssp file missing. which means no password input or password node has been deleted.
file size too small (less 4 bytes)
Last updated
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